Natural Facial Anti Ageing Treatments
We provide HIFU and a range of other advanced facial treatments that take a more natural, non-surgical approach to anti ageing. Stand-alone and combined treatments that work from the inside, out.
Find out more about our advanced anti ageing therapies or talk to Elaine to book your free consultation.
a holistic approach
non invasive anti aging
At Clinique Matrice, Elaine has a philosophy of natural, non-invasive facial anti-ageing therapies and takes a gentle, holistic approach in her discreet, stylish clinic.
Enjoy the privacy and sanctuary away from the busy malls of the suburbs and city and relax in a tranquil environment, carefully and thoughtfully designed to offer a thoroughly comfortable, enjoyable experience.
We offer a range of bespoke, natural anti-aging treatments that are completely non-invasive and work on addressing your skin concerns from the inside-out.
Your facial anti-ageing treatments at Clinique Matrice are highly customised, natural, pain-free and not only comfortable, but also a relaxing personal treat that you can enjoy in a calm and peaceful setting.
HIFU (High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound)
HIFU penetrates deep into the tissues, focussing ultrasound energy to deliver 100% natural rejuvenation and results that last. HIFU is fast-becoming the go-to cosmetic treatment for the world’s celebrities growing tired of invasive surgery and damaging laser treatments.
The unique delivery of focussed ultrasound during your HIFU sessions at Clinique Matrice bypasses the surface of the skin and safely targets the deeper structural and muscular layers. This generates a healing response and stimulates new collagen growth, transforming the skin from within as it builds and strengthens.

Fusion Mesotherapy – Microneedling
Fusion Mesotherapy products are the most advanced, sterile and highly concentrated ingredients to target specific skin concerns such as lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, large pores, pigmentation and acne.
Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment. The treatment uses tiny, sterile, medical grade microneedles to vertically pierce the skin and produce hundreds of micro channels to break up old collagen and trigger the synthesis of new collagen.
Blemish Removal with Electrolysis
Elaine uses her qualifications and experience as a reputable electrolygist to remove common facial skin blemishes, such as warts, skin tags and blood spots. Talk to Elaine and book your free consultation today.
Pure Oxygen Facial Therapy
Oxygen facial therapy uses pure oxygen gas and gentle products to deliver one of the latest facial anti-ageing treatments of choice for celebrities and modern women living in today’s fast-paced suburbs and cities with high levels of dust, dirt and air pollution.
Revolutionary formulas and technology are used to carefully prepare the skin and safely deliver 180 million particles per second of pure oxygen and essential anti-ageing nutrients, resulting in naturally radiant, youthful skin – a natural facelift.
Call Elaine to find out more about Oxygen Therapy at Clinique Matrice.

Experience rococco facials
Roccoco Botanical facial products are some of the most amazing we’ve worked with at Clinque Matrice. Powerful, yet beautifully soft and silky smooth, come and enjoy both the benefits to the skin and the relaxing zen of a facial massage. The award-winning Roccoco range offers ethically sourced, advanced clinical herbal treatments, developed right here in Brisbane.
Extensive, the range helps to support and repair the skin barrier for a wide range of benefits, from treating sensitive skin conditions to anti-aging. Suitable for most skin types and can be combined with other anti-aging therapies. Book your free consultation today.
About your Holistic Facialist
Elaine takes a holistic approach with each of her clients, offering an exclusive, discreet service to ladies of all ages. Your initial consultation is friendly and relaxed and is a chance for you to talk to Elaine about your goals and your expectations.
She works closely with her clients and can advise on the best treatments for your skin and to help you reach your anti-aging goals. With a completely non-invasive, comfortable range of facial anti-ageing treatments, you can be confident that you’ll feel relaxed yet energised and with an enhanced feeling of wellbeing.
Enjoy facial anti-ageing therapies in the sanctuary of Clinique Matrice.
Clinique Matrice is a stylish clinic, located away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Fully equipped and designed to promote a relaxed, medi-spa atmosphere where ladies can enjoy the full benefit of an environment conducive to a stress-free visit.
Operating as Brisbane’s electrolysis clinic for many successful years, Clinique Matrice is a well-respected, popular clinic that keeps client confidentiality at the forefront of everything we do.
ready to book your consultation?
Book your free, 30-minute consultation and let Elaine talk to you about non invasive treatments for anti aging. Skin assessment and treatment plan included.
Call Elaine today on 0402 046 637 ~ appointments by prior arrangement only.